Rags or Riches? It's Your Choice
Rags or Riches? It's Your Choice
By Mike Duffey
When understood and properly applied the BUSINESS MODEL of network marketing can be amazingly powerful and rewarding. It gives average people an opportunity to create a life and lifestyle most people only dream of. And there are plenty of "Rags to Riches" true stories in this industry. But despite false claims to the contrary, none of them really happen overnight. And understanding that reality, can be one of YOUR keys to true success.
The sad FACT is there are more people who (initially) fail, or have less than dreamed of success, than those who achieve their dreams, or make the $10,000 - $50,000 a month incomes that are possible. If the business model is so powerful, then why does that happen? I will try to answer that question in this brief article.
One of my favorite sayings is, "Only the TRUTH will set you free." The truth that phrase is referring to is UNIVERSAL TRUTH, not personal opinion. There are universal truths that apply to every business, just as the law of gravity applies to life. If you step off the top of a 20 story building without a parachute you're gonna' die, no matter how strongly you believe you can fly. The same analogy applies to any business. If you violate universal truths, of business or life, you'll never have LONG TERM success.
I have people call me every week, passionate about an 'opportunity' they sincerely believe is the answer to their prayers and mine. Unfortunately I can usually tell very quickly that most are heading down the wrong path. And I used to try to help them understand the truth. But it didn't take me long to realize that people who believe strongly in something are not very open-minded about facts different than their chosen beliefs. So I quit trying to be a savior of lost souls. I'm not used to working that hard.
One of my mentor's favorite sayings is, "Leaders are Readers." People who are serious about success find time to study their area of interest. And in the network marketing industry there is no shortage of FREE information available by credible and mega-successful icons like Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, Randy Gage, Michael Clouse, John Milton Fogg, and many others. Yet most of the people who fail, never take the time to get educated by these masters. They mistakenly choose to follow the advice of some con artist or crook, or one of their innocent disciples.
Learning to make better choices is one of the simple things that separate winners from losers in business and life. We all make many choices every day that can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. Winners simply LEARN, through education and experience, to make better choices.
What's the 'normal' time people invest to get a college degree? Most people would say four years. Actually it's more like 16, including the 12 or more you invest prior, just to qualify for acceptance. And what does the "average" college graduate earn just out of school (IF they can find a J.O.B.)? I have not looked at recent figures, but I think it used to be in the $25 - $30,000/yr. range?
Whatever it is, with those well known and accepted statistics, is it any surprise that most people are totally suspicious and skeptical when they see an ad, or hear a "sales pitch", that tells them they can make a "six figure income" in a matter of weeks or months - with no previous training or experience? Outrageous claims like that and many others are partly to blame for giving the network marketing industry a bad reputation with the general public.
Tremendous incomes can be made in this industry! And more important than the money to many of us who've achieved some level of success, is the FREEDOM and lifestyle that passive residual income can create, compared to "trade your time for money" income in the conventional world. There's a huge difference most people never understand, because network marketing is an unconventional business model. If you're serious about true success it's important to understand the "Three Pillars" that make it so powerful. But that's a whole different article. If your interested, contact me for a free copy.
Even though success in the conventional world can be achieved much faster, rarely does it happen over night. The rewards of passive residual income are on the back end, not up front. That's a foreign concept to most people who've been trained all their lives that trading time directly for money is the way to get ahead in life. So ideally BEFORE jumping in with both feet, if you don't completely appreciate and understand the difference, you should spend a little time getting a handle on that concept. But one of many wonderful things about a good network marketing opportunity is that you can "earn while you learn."
In fact even well known "gurus" from outside the industry are finally recognizing and recommending the power of network marketing. In one of his many best selling books, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" author Robert Kiyosaki writes: "The number one reason I recommend a network marketing business is for it's system of education." More details and quotes from that book can be found at http://www.blogger.com/ .
Education is just the first half of the success equation. Most people mistakenly believe "Knowledge is Power." But the truth is, knowledge without ACTION isn't anything. The true statement is APPLIED Knowledge is Power. That requires action. And you can take that to the bank!
Most people fail at network marketing because they make bad choices. And once they make those choices, many put on blinders to the UNIVERSAL TRUTHS that are out there. If you're looking at network marketing for the first time, get a little education before jumping in. If you've made bad choices in the past or are not having the success you desire, don't despair. It's never too late to start making better choices.
If you're serious about success, there are several dependable sources for plenty of great, honest, valuable, and FREE information from many of the leaders in this great industry. I'll be happy to share some of them with anyone who has an interest. Just email me, You can start making better choices today and YOU CAN BE A WORLD CHANGER.
Best wishes for awesome personal success, however YOU define it!
QUOTE: "Keep working w/ a good heart. You are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are, but for what others have become because of you."
By Mike Duffey
When understood and properly applied the BUSINESS MODEL of network marketing can be amazingly powerful and rewarding. It gives average people an opportunity to create a life and lifestyle most people only dream of. And there are plenty of "Rags to Riches" true stories in this industry. But despite false claims to the contrary, none of them really happen overnight. And understanding that reality, can be one of YOUR keys to true success.
The sad FACT is there are more people who (initially) fail, or have less than dreamed of success, than those who achieve their dreams, or make the $10,000 - $50,000 a month incomes that are possible. If the business model is so powerful, then why does that happen? I will try to answer that question in this brief article.
One of my favorite sayings is, "Only the TRUTH will set you free." The truth that phrase is referring to is UNIVERSAL TRUTH, not personal opinion. There are universal truths that apply to every business, just as the law of gravity applies to life. If you step off the top of a 20 story building without a parachute you're gonna' die, no matter how strongly you believe you can fly. The same analogy applies to any business. If you violate universal truths, of business or life, you'll never have LONG TERM success.
I have people call me every week, passionate about an 'opportunity' they sincerely believe is the answer to their prayers and mine. Unfortunately I can usually tell very quickly that most are heading down the wrong path. And I used to try to help them understand the truth. But it didn't take me long to realize that people who believe strongly in something are not very open-minded about facts different than their chosen beliefs. So I quit trying to be a savior of lost souls. I'm not used to working that hard.
One of my mentor's favorite sayings is, "Leaders are Readers." People who are serious about success find time to study their area of interest. And in the network marketing industry there is no shortage of FREE information available by credible and mega-successful icons like Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, Randy Gage, Michael Clouse, John Milton Fogg, and many others. Yet most of the people who fail, never take the time to get educated by these masters. They mistakenly choose to follow the advice of some con artist or crook, or one of their innocent disciples.
Learning to make better choices is one of the simple things that separate winners from losers in business and life. We all make many choices every day that can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. Winners simply LEARN, through education and experience, to make better choices.
What's the 'normal' time people invest to get a college degree? Most people would say four years. Actually it's more like 16, including the 12 or more you invest prior, just to qualify for acceptance. And what does the "average" college graduate earn just out of school (IF they can find a J.O.B.)? I have not looked at recent figures, but I think it used to be in the $25 - $30,000/yr. range?
Whatever it is, with those well known and accepted statistics, is it any surprise that most people are totally suspicious and skeptical when they see an ad, or hear a "sales pitch", that tells them they can make a "six figure income" in a matter of weeks or months - with no previous training or experience? Outrageous claims like that and many others are partly to blame for giving the network marketing industry a bad reputation with the general public.
Tremendous incomes can be made in this industry! And more important than the money to many of us who've achieved some level of success, is the FREEDOM and lifestyle that passive residual income can create, compared to "trade your time for money" income in the conventional world. There's a huge difference most people never understand, because network marketing is an unconventional business model. If you're serious about true success it's important to understand the "Three Pillars" that make it so powerful. But that's a whole different article. If your interested, contact me for a free copy.
Even though success in the conventional world can be achieved much faster, rarely does it happen over night. The rewards of passive residual income are on the back end, not up front. That's a foreign concept to most people who've been trained all their lives that trading time directly for money is the way to get ahead in life. So ideally BEFORE jumping in with both feet, if you don't completely appreciate and understand the difference, you should spend a little time getting a handle on that concept. But one of many wonderful things about a good network marketing opportunity is that you can "earn while you learn."
In fact even well known "gurus" from outside the industry are finally recognizing and recommending the power of network marketing. In one of his many best selling books, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" author Robert Kiyosaki writes: "The number one reason I recommend a network marketing business is for it's system of education." More details and quotes from that book can be found at http://www.blogger.com/ .
Education is just the first half of the success equation. Most people mistakenly believe "Knowledge is Power." But the truth is, knowledge without ACTION isn't anything. The true statement is APPLIED Knowledge is Power. That requires action. And you can take that to the bank!
Most people fail at network marketing because they make bad choices. And once they make those choices, many put on blinders to the UNIVERSAL TRUTHS that are out there. If you're looking at network marketing for the first time, get a little education before jumping in. If you've made bad choices in the past or are not having the success you desire, don't despair. It's never too late to start making better choices.
If you're serious about success, there are several dependable sources for plenty of great, honest, valuable, and FREE information from many of the leaders in this great industry. I'll be happy to share some of them with anyone who has an interest. Just email me, You can start making better choices today and YOU CAN BE A WORLD CHANGER.
Best wishes for awesome personal success, however YOU define it!
QUOTE: "Keep working w/ a good heart. You are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are, but for what others have become because of you."
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Anonymous, at 1:46 AM
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